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LEP’s clean growth strategy to pilot low carbon economy and support business net zero goals

03 Mar 22
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Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) launched “A Strategy for Clean Growth in Hertfordshire” at the pivotal sustainability event at Rothamsted Research Institute today.

The biz4Biz annual conference titled “Sustainability: The path To Net Zero: Your transformation to sustainable advantage in business and society” offered practical guidance to businesses and organisations on shaping and financing their net-zero strategy.

If you missed the conference, catch up on the highlights here.

The LEP and Herts IQ sponsored the event with Herts IQ  and Herts Growth Hub taking stands to share expertise with delegates. Richard Whitehead, Hertfordshire LEP Board Member and Chair Herts IQ, spoke at the conference to launch the strategy which will build a greener, more sustainable local economy and lead the way forward for clean economic growth.

He said: “With green credentials now a must-have for clients and customers as well as a powerful motivator to engage and attract staff, commercial opportunities opening up under the clean growth banner are vast.

“This document will guide us through the next decade where technological change will continue apace but environmental considerations and opportunities will be prominent as will commitments to inclusivity.

“For us, this means closer working relationships with partners to take forward this exciting era of clean, inclusive, business-led growth.”

The strategy has two pillars: 1) Growing and attracting low carbon businesses; 2) Supporting existing businesses, communities and places as they transition to net zero.

It was authored by Helen Pollock, Project Executive Herts IQ, who said: “With clean growth at the core of global growth ambitions following the pandemic, we are pleased to be able to action this momentum right here in Hertfordshire with our new strategy.

“Through our expertise and close-working relationships with partners across the county, we will drive forward the low carbon economy, supporting new enterprise and innovation and ensuring our residents have the skills to gain employment in the new sustainable era.

“We want to inspire business, organisations and residents with our clean growth vision so that we can enact a truly collaborative approach to reducing carbon and creating a clean, green, prosperous future for Hertfordshire.”

The clean growth document is one in a suite of strategic statements that will guide Hertfordshire’s growth through to the 2030s.

Read the report.

We want to inspire business, organisations and residents with our clean growth vision so that we can enact a truly collaborative approach to reducing carbon and creating a clean, green, prosperous future for Hertfordshire.
Helen PollockProject Executive Herts IQ

Biz4biz Sustainability Conference

We want to inspire business, organisations and residents with our clean growth vision so that we can enact a truly collaborative approach to reducing carbon and creating a clean, green, prosperous future for Hertfordshire.
Helen PollockProject Executive Herts IQ